Health Care

Diabetes Screening Package

Expire Date: 31/12/2024

Price: 3.050.000VND

Feeling more thirsty than usual, parched mouth and extreme hunger.

These are examples of warning signs of diabetes that should not be overlooked regardless of family history of diabetes. Diabetes Screening Package helps to detect your risk while minimizing complications affecting heart, brain, foot and kidney. 

Diabetes Screening Package 3.050.000VND

Screening items include:

Fasting blood sugar (FBS)
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
Blood lipids (Triglyceride, Cholesterol, HDL and LDL)
Liver function test (SGPT)
Kidney function test (Creatinine)
Micro Albumin in Urine


Terms and conditions:

  1. This price is valid from 4 January 2024 – 31 December 2024.
  2. This price is applied for Thais and expatriates // fly-in patients. 
  3. Service is available at Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrine Center.
  4. This price excludes doctor fee and medicines.
  5. This price cannot be used in combination with other discounts or promotions.
  6. The hospital reserves the right to change the price as well as terms and conditions without prior notice. 
