Preparation For Health Check-Up Specific To Occupational Risk Factor
- For 48 hours before the appointment, avoid exposure to loud noise such as going to the pub, and listening to loud speaker.
- Avoid diving and hiking in the mountains for 48 hours before your check-up.
- If you have a cold within 2 weeks before your check-up, please let your doctor know.
- If you travel by plane within 48 hours before your check-up, please let your doctor know.
Preparation For Health Check-Up Specific To Chemical Hazards
Preparation for Benzene and Toluene tests
- Avoid any exposure to smoke at least 5 days before the test.
- Avoid taking food with preservatives at least 5 days before the test.
Preparation for Arsenic test
- Avoid taking seafood, seaweed, and herbs at least 5 days before the test.
- Avoid drinking tea at least 5 days before the test.
*The hospital reserves the right to change prices at any time without prior notice.
Health Check-Up Process
- Register at the registration counter if you do not have any medical records at Bangkok hospital before. You will need an ID card or a passport for the registration.
- For individual health check-up specific to occupational risk factor, please contact Health Design Center on the 5th Floor, R Building
- Fill in your health, lifestyle, and personal information in a questionnaire.
- Take height and weight measurements. Visual acuity test will also be performed.
- Take a blood test.
*Our nurses or advisors will give you the details of each procedure.
- You will receive the health check-up result from a doctor and have the opportunity to discuss your concerns or questions.
Remark: There are snacks and drinks available for check-up patients while you are waiting for the result.