Health Care

Hip & Knee


Pain or discomfort around the hip and knee area bowed leg, knock knees, the elongated distance between knees, clicks and sounds while moving, inability to fully extend, difficulty getting up or sitting down, and difficulty navigating stairs are all symptoms of hip and knee arthritis. This can lead to constant pain and discomfort as well as be a major obstacle to a person’s daily life. These conditions do not only occur in the elderly, but also in younger working-age individuals who are also at risk.

Hip and Knee Center offers diagnosis and treatment of patients with hip and knee conditions that include:

Free of worry every step of the treatment


The key to Direct Anterior Approach Cosmetic Incision Hip Replacement is the expertise of our surgeons and the care we provide both during and after surgery. For maximum safety and satisfactory results, the Bangkok Hip and Knee Center is committed to Customized Service with Advanced Care and Technology, including

  1. Our customized service and individualized treatment are designed to cover pre- and post-surgery treatment programs, in effect until the patient fully recovers. We offer complete patient care provided by a multidisciplinary team, who also teach patients about their own recovery.
                – Before surgery, doctors plan for the joint exchange using computer technology to create patient-specific scenarios (using a digital template or patient-customized instrument) together with nurses, anesthesiologists, nutritionists, and others to provide close supervision in preparing the patient for surgery.
                – After surgery, we provide a specialized ward for patient care. Nurses, physicians, anesthesiologists, and rehabilitation therapists visit the patient and design a rehabilitation plan aiming for a quick return to normal life. We utilize Alter G during rehabilitation, preventing blocked veins by both drug and non-drug treatments. Patient care services such as osteoporosis are also covered.
  2. Total Joint Care begins during the early stages of the disease using technologies such as non-surgical treatment, muscle rehabilitation, and adjustment of walking balance by Alter G, including injections for osteoarthritis treatment, surgery for the restoration of joint mechanisms, laparoscopic surgery or joint replacement surgery, and treatment for patients who have had surgery changing a joint but for whom problems persist.
  3. Advanced Prosthesis Choose the best implant most appropriate for each patient; for hip replacement patients, the material option available is ceramic, which is harder and glossier than other types of materials with a longer usage time, suitable for patients aged 46 – 60. Use the new stem to reduce the problem of sinking implants.
  4. Navigating HIP Hip replacement utilizing the new computer-aided orthopedic surgery.
  5. Experienced surgeons Care from hip and knee specialists.

Furthermore, at the Hip and Knee Center, we emphasize quality service to our patients. From pain management pre-op through the Multimodal Preemptive Management Program to the use of Digital Template Surgical Planning to plan every aspect of surgery to suit each individual patient.

This includes the Pinless Navigating TKR, a joint replacement surgery that utilizes a portable computer to ensure that the prosthetic is placed in the proper position, helping to reduce errors and increase surgical accuracy. We choose the most appropriate, best quality and up-to-date prosthesis for out patients that includes metal and special plastics as well as ceramic to ensure the efficiency and longevity of our implants.

Total Hip Replacement

Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Replacement with Cosmetic Bikini Incisi

Chronic hip pain affects everyday life, from walking down the stairs to exercising and even sleeping. If various treatments don’t eliminate the pain, hip replacement surgery is a solution that can restore your quality of life. The Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Replacement is such a method of surgery that has been popularized in recent years. In addition to ensuring safety during surgery, there is a new incision technique, called Direct Anterior Approach Cosmetic Incision Hip Replacement, which helps the patient be comfortable with the incision mark after surgery.

There is less pain, as no muscles are cut

Many people worry about hip replacement surgery. However, today’s medical science has led to a new technique: Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Replacement. During surgery, the patient will lie on his or her back, and a special tool will be placed between the Tensor Fascia Lata and the Sartorius muscle. In the course of this procedure, no muscles are cut. The procedure results in less pain and a quick recovery after surgery, and the patient can walk without limping, unlike with traditional surgery, which uses the lateral approach and cuts the gluteus medius muscle (hip abductor) at the hip which leads to some pain for the patient and prolongs recovery. The direct anterior approach technique reduces the risk of hip dislocation after surgery because the back muscles are not cut. Because of its anterior approach, the technique improves the accuracy of leg length control, as the doctor utilizes Digital Template Surgical Planning to plan and select the proper implant size before surgery together with a C-arm x-ray to precisely position the implant in the correct spot during the operation.

The traditional approach leads to some pain for the patient and prolongs recovery. Moreover, the direct anterior approach leads to an easier recovery; there is no need to fear hip dislocation after surgery as with the posterior approach, which requires surgeons to cut muscles and other soft tissue at the back of the hip to access the hip joint. Traditional techniques are more painful because they require an incision 6-8 inches in length. The recovery period after surgery is prolonged, with a risk of implant malposition and unequal leg length.

No worries about the incision

Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Replacement hides the incision, known as a Bikini Incision; significantly, the doctor performs surgery along the direction of collagen fibers of the outer layer, called the dermis, in the same direction as the deep muscle line. The incision follows the natural direction of the Langer’s line. Plastic surgeons also use this same technique to hide incision marks and retain the body’s original appearance. The technique also facilitates the healing of incisions. The surgeon will hide the small surgical incision, about 3 to 4 inches in length, around the groin on the patient’s bikini line to reduce the postoperative scar; earlier conventional surgical techniques often produced Keloid scars.


There are also other advantages, such as the following:

Total Knee Replacement

“When it comes to total knee replacements, the quality and expertise of the medical team is paramount. Equally important is effective pain management before, during, and after surgery. These will result in minimal pain, a faster recovery, and less muscle trauma, reduced chance of infection, lower risk of thrombosis, and the ability to be walking again within 24 hours*”

* Results may vary from person to person

Symptoms that may indicate need for Total Knee Replacement Surgery

       ***Suitability for surgery will be made on a case by case basis dependent on symptoms and severity of conditions

Where can I get a Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

Before deciding where to get a Total Knee Replacement Surgery it is important to consider several factors such as the institution’s ability to provide hands-on quality care through every step of the process. This includes pre-op services, post-op services, and follow-ups through to complete recovery.

6 Factors to consider before deciding where to receive Total Knee Replacement Surgery includes:

  1. Digital Template A computer program which helps to plan and personalize each surgery to the individual. This includes customizing the size and position of the prosthesis to optimally suit the patient. This technology helps to reduce risk of fracture and reduces the chance of the prostheses becoming incompatible helping to ensure durability.
  2. Total Knee Pathway A Total Knee Pathway helps to ensure safety standards before, during, and after surgery under the care of specialist nurses and doctors. This includes evaluating the body’s readiness for surgery, diagnosis and knee deformities, analyzing muscular and tissue conditions around the bone, optimizing the prosthesis which is most suitable to the patient, as well as medication throughout the treatment process.
  3. Pain Management Pain management (pre-post surgery) involves blocking pain receptors via injection in the upper thigh safely and effectively. This involves an ultrasound into the area to avoid key blood vessels and muscles. Conducted effectively, this can help to reduce surgical wound pain, reduce pain medication and other side effects which may occur.
  4. Reduce Risk of Thrombosis Reduce risk of thrombosis with the Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device (IPC) combined with blood thinners to prevent blood clots. This is pivotal as during surgery a clot may move into the heart or lungs, causing cardiovascular or respiratory failure.
  5. Faster Recovery… Walk again within 24 hours Rehabilitation and recovery is facilitated by the Anti-Gravity Treadmill or Alter G which helps to restore muscle function post-surgery. The Alter G provides an environment which helps to reduce pain by reducing weight (pressure) on the knee during exercise. The Continuous Passive Motion is a machine that allows the patient to bend the knee up to a 90 degree angle, effectively reducing the chances of scar tissue.

Although the chances of complications from injection during surgery are less than 1% it is recommended to use the Laminar Air Flow system during surgery to ensure free ventilation and prevent dust”.


Total Replacement for a Better life…

Over 90% of patients who receive Total Knee Replacement:
  • Less pain
  • Are able to return to daily activities


A new alternative treatment for injury and inflammation of joints, muscles and tendons, the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the injured area.This type of cell therapy helps accelerate natural healing and rehabilitation.PRP contains growth factors which help repair and restore tendons and joints, reduce pain and chronic inflammation.Most importantly, there is no usage of steroids, no surgery is involved and no side effects is involved. 


What Is PRP?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is the treatment for injuries and inflammation of joints, muscles, and tendons by the patient’s own concentrated platelets. The patient’s blood is aseptically collected and processed by centrifugation to separate out red blood cells and white blood cells which are the cause of inflammation.Healthy plasma and growth factors are now concentrated enough for use.Once the PRP is injected into the affected area, the plasma will accelerate secretion of growth factors to repair and build new cells 50% faster than other treatments.This is why cell therapy is another effective option to treat pain and recover bones, joints, tendons, and muscles after injuries. However, the treatment must be under doctor’s advice.

What Injuries Can Be Treated with PRP?

PRP ทางเลือกรักษา ฟื้นฟู ลดปวด เซลล์รักษาเซลล์

PRP Treatment

The process of PRP treatment is as follows:

  1. Using aseptic technique, 10 cc of blood is drawn from the patient’s vein around back of the hand or elbow pit.
  2. Blood is centrifuged at a suitable speed to separate plasma and growth factors to get the right concentration and amount for treatment.Doctor then injects the PRP to the injured, inflamed, or problematic area to reduce pain and stimulate the repair process.

How Many Sessions and How Often for PRP Treatment?

It takes 2 – 3 injections of PRP for the treatment, with each about 3 – 4 weeks apart or as per doctor’s advice.Improvement is often observed from the 3rd week onward.

Pre – Treatment Guidelines

Post – Treatment Guideline

After PRP injection, patient may experience pain and tightness around the treatment area for the first 48 hours.Use cold compression to help reduce the pain.If there is severe pain, patient can take paracetamol.Patient must not use NSAIDs, antibiotics or steroids as it may affect the healing process.If you experience swelling, redness, heat around the injected area, please seek doctor’s advice immediately.

PRP ทางเลือกรักษา ฟื้นฟู ลดปวด เซลล์รักษาเซลล์

Benefits Of PRP

PRP is a medical technique used to treat injuries in the joints, muscles, and tendons. Studies have shown that treatment is quite effective with minimal side effects since patients are being injected with their own blood components. Thus, there is no synthetic leftovers in the body that can cause allergic reactions or side effects. After treatment, the condition is continuously improved. There is high efficacy of treatment. Therefore, patients or athletes tend to prefer this type of treatment for their injuries.

Limitations to PRP Treatment

Patients in the following group are not recommended for PRP therapy

What are the risks of PRP?

Patients who received PRP therapy may have pain around the injected area. However, the level of pain depends on each individual. There may also be a risk of infection in the injected area.

How to get good results with PRP Therapy

Whether the results will be satisfactory or not depends on the condition of the injury and each individual response to PRP therapy. The injured tissue and the health of the patient are also important. If the injury affects the muscle, it may heal quicker than tendons and ligaments as well as joint injuries. For example, treatment of the elbow and shoulder will have different effects and vary in duration of treatment. Most patients with chronic conditions will require longer treatment and the results may not be as effective as those with acute injuries.

