Due to the complexity of brain and neurological system that regulate body functions including body movement, perception, thoughts, learning, memory, and emotional expression, there are several hundreds diseases of the nervous system. These include the most common brain diseases such as stroke, brain tumor, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, sleep disorders, headache, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. If the warning signs of brain and neurological diseases are indicated, immediate medical attention must be sought in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment in time. Effective treatments provided by expert neurologists and neurosurgeons can not only reduce disease severity but also greatly improve patient’s quality of life.
Neuroscience Center, Bangkok International Hospital offers a wide range of services in neurological disorders and other related problems. To be known as one of the best brain centers in Thailand, our multidisciplinary team comprises of neurologists, neurosurgeons, spine surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation specialists, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, mental health specialists, nurses, pharmacists, and other medical personal specialized in neurological care. Supported by cutting edge technology in advanced neurological diagnostics and surgical treatments, our broad spectrum of comprehensive services cover preventive program, accurate and timely diagnosis, effective treatment, and rehabilitation therapy. The ultimate aim is to treat individual patients at the origin of their diseases and reduce risks of recurrence. Patients can rest assured that they always receive appropriate treatments while taking into a great consideration of patient’s needs and quality of life. Our dedicated services include:
Source: https://www.bangkokinternationalhospital.com/coe/brain