Health Care

Package IVF

Expire Date: 31/12/2024

Price: 35.150.000VND – 104.400.000VND

If you have not achieved pregnancy after 12 months or longer, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) might be your ideal option.

Success rate over 60%

All procedures are conducted in advanced in-house laboratory certified with international standard.

Package A

Starting from ovarian stimulation to embryo transfer

                                                                                                                           Price (VND)

Ovarian stimulation 92.000.000
Egg retrieval through vagina 101.100.000
Embryo transfer to the uterus 35.150.000





Package B

For women aged over 35 or women who have had miscarriage (s) and require genetic testing

                                                                                                               Price (VND)

Ovarian stimulation 92.000.000
Egg retrieval through vagina 101.100.000
Preimplantation genetic testing and embryo freezing (for 2 embryos) 58.550.000
Embryo transfer to the uterus (with  embryo thawing and medications after embryo transfer) 52.750.000





Terms and Conditions:

Note: ** Bangkok Hospital reserves the right to change the price at any time without prior notice. **

