Health Care

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Packages

Expire Day: 31/12/2024

Price: từ 8.400.000VND – 10.500.000VND


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy – Alternative Solutions For Tendon, Ligament, Muscle And Joint Injuries 

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy is considered an effective alternative to treat tendon, ligament, muscle and joint injuries. The treatment uses a patient’s own blood cells to accelerate healing in a specific area. Not only clotting abilities, but platelets also contain growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and accelerate tissue regeneration as well as stimulate healing in the treated area. PRP is simply blood that contains high concentration of platelets. PRP injection as a non-surgical form of treatment substantially helps to diminish pain and reduce inflammatory caused by injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. Neither steroid injection nor surgery is required. More importantly, PRP therapy is extremely safe since the platelets being derived from the patient’s own body playing the key role in their recovery. 

What is PRP? 

PRP therapy is a non-surgical form of treatment used to treat tendon, ligament, muscle and joint injuries. PRP therapy uses injections of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing process and tissue regeneration while reducing inflammation in the treated area. PRP consists plasma (the liquid portion of blood) and platelets containing growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration. To obtain PRP, a blood sample will be taken from the patient and placed it into a device called a centrifuge that rapidly spins the sample, separating out the other components (e.g. red blood cells and white blood cells causing inflammation) of the blood from the platelets and concentrating them within the plasma. Once high concentration of platelets is derived, this solution will be then injected into the target area to accelerate the release of growth factors in which the increased concentration of growth factors can further stimulate the healing process and speed up tissue regeneration up to 50%, resulting in shorter healing time and decreased pain in the damaged area. To reach the best possible outcome, the recommendation will be made by the expert specialists.  

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Packages 

PRP Package BCT-PRP 8.400.000VND/Injection 

PRP injection recommended for early stage of knee pain, ligament or tendon injuries, such as Tennis Elbow, plantar fasciitis or plantar heel pain, rotator cuff degeneration, early stage of arthritis, sports injuries, e.g. ACL injuries.

PRP Package BCT- HA – PRP 10.500.000VND/Injection

PRP injection to reduce pain and inflammation combined with 2 ml. of noncross-linked hyaluronic acid or HA (concentration 20 mg/ml) that helps to improve the movement of knee joint or shoulder joint. This package is a combination of PRP and hyaluronic acid injection (intra-articular injection) to relieve articular pain and improve joint mobility.      


แพ็กเกจฉีดเกล็ดเลือดเข้มข้น PRP

Superior advantages of our PRP therapy 

แพ็กเกจฉีดเกล็ดเลือดเข้มข้น PRP

Benefits of PRP therapy 

Frequency and outcome of PRP therapy 


PRP therapy is not recommended in: 

These people may not benefit from PRP therapy or treatment consideration should be made by the doctor: 

Terms and conditions
