Health Care

Top foods for your brain

The brain is in charge of the functions of the body’s organs and systems as well as the nervous system responsible for movement of limbs, walking,balance, and memory. As such a healthy brain will have a significant impact

on your body’s overall health.

Today, Thai people are at higher risk of diseases which affect the brain and nervous system due to lifestyle changes, as well as the increased proportion of older individuals resulting in a super-aged society. This is important as
when we get older, the chances of disease associated with the brain increases. In Thailand, statistics indicate that deaths from stroke occur every 4 minutes, an average of 6 people an hour. Furthermore, stroke is the second
leading cause of death worldwide after cancer, as such it is important to note what methods of prevention are available that are beneficial to brain function.

One such way is paying attention to what you eat, selecting the very best foods to boost your brain and prevent disease.  Mr. Aekasith Chittham at the Bangkok Hospital indicates that selecting the right foods can help to improve
brain cell function and prevent deterioration.What are the Best Foods for Optimizing Brain Function? How often should we

Eat foods that boost cognitive function?

There are certain amino acids which the body is unable to produce but are pivotal to brain function. These include Tryptophan found in meats, milk,eggs, beans, bananas, soy milk and Glutamate found in high protein chicken,pork, and fish. A lack of amino acids can lead to learning and memory impairments, whereas excess consumption can potentially destroy nerve cells.

Amino acids are known to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s, especially Glutamine which can be found in brown rice and other whole grain foods. It is recommended to eat these foods 4-5 times a week on average.Regular exercise combined with a healthy diet with regular exercise will maximize brain efficiency. Selecting the right foods can help to boost brain function and prolong deterioration while being an effective tool for disease prevention.

