Health Care

TUNE YOUR HEALTH (MALE) PLUS - Guard Your Good Health And Live A Worry-Free Life

Expire Day: 31/12/2024

Price: 10.500.000VND


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MALE Health Check-Up

When reaching older age, health issues, e.g. impaired sexual dysfunction, decline in male hormones and prostate cancer often disrupt men’s health and wellbeing.  Besides aging, unhealthy habits, e.g. alcohol drinking, smoking, being physically inactive and fatty food largely contribute to several diseases. Comprehensive Health Check-up for male helps to address health-related conditions, leading to proactive healthcare intervention and planning.    


Men Health

Basic Measurement : Vital Signs, Body Mass Index (BMI)
Physical Examination by Medical Physician
Blood Tests: Complete Blood Count
Sugar Profile: Fasting Blood Sugar
Sugar Profile: HbA1C
Lipid Profile: Cholesterol
Lipid Profile: HDL
Lipid Profile: LDL
Lipid Profile: Triglyceride
Kidney Function Test: BUN
Kidney Function Test: Creatinine
Kidney Function Test: eGFR
Uric Acid
Liver Function Test: SGPT
Liver Function Test: SGOT
Imaging Investigation: Chest X-Ray
Cardiovascular Investigation: Electrocardiogram (EKG)
Imaging Investigation: Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
Imaging Investigation: Bone Mineral Dentsity
Tumor Markers: PSA for Prostate Cancer
Total Testosterone

Package price: 10.500.000VND

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